What's Happening At The mission

Use these links to learn about our small groups, Mission 101, and our next community event.

Welcome to the mission

In person + online | Sunday 9:15am & 11am

classes for ages 5 & under at 9:15am

ages 6 weeks through 5th grade at 11:00am

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Upcoming Sermon:

The Bait of Satan

The devil is real. He hates you and wants to destroy your faith in God and your relationships with people. And one of the key tactics he uses to attack us is the spirit of offense. Offense is known in Christian circles as “The Bait of Satan” and we may not realize it, but we take the bait all the time! (We get offended way more than we think!). It’s time to wake up to the reality of the spiritual battle we are in and learn how to counter this attack by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is such a huge topic, we aren’t just doing one sermon on it, but an entire series. And that series kicks off THIS Sunday!

Please join us at either of our normal service times; 9:15am or 11:00am

Encounter | Equip | Engage

We hope that you don't just "go to church" but that you ENCOUNTER God in a powerful way, get EQUIPPED in your faith, to then go out and ENGAGE the world with the love of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

stay connected, watch sermons, give, and more with church center

get the details here>>>>

Give to The Mission Church

Giving is a part of our worship to God. If you consider The Mission Church to be your church home, we hope that giving to it plays a part in your overall giving equation. The percentage or amount you decide to give to our church is between you and God.
