Use these links to learn about our Advent series, Christmas Eve service, and our next women's event.
Welcome to the mission
In person + online | Sunday 9:15am & 11am
classes for ages 5 & under at 9:15am
ages 6 weeks through 5th grade at 11:00am
We are located at 52767 Shelby Rd. Shelby Township, MI 48316
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Upcoming Sermon:
The Man of the Hour With the Power
There are famous pastors that God uses powerfully to fill stadiums to hear the gospel and heal people. So Christians often sit on the sidelines to watch “the man of the hour with the power” and watch them “perform.” But what if God wants to use YOU too? What if God’s plan wasn’t just to use a handful of “super Christians” but everyone? What if God doesn’t want to build an AUDIENCE but an ARMY? May you dare to believe God wants to use YOU in ways you can’t even imagine! As part of Sunday’s sermon, our lead pastor is going to share about how a guy named Chuck (a normal everyday Christian) impacted him in a significant way when Chuck did something seemingly small that led to a massive impact in our pastor’s life. May this testimony inspire you to believe God can use you in the same way to impact those around you!
Please join us at either of our normal service times; 9:15am or 11:00am
Encounter | Equip | Engage
We hope that you don't just "go to church" but that you ENCOUNTER God in a powerful way, get EQUIPPED in your faith, to then go out and ENGAGE the world with the love of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
stay connected, watch sermons, give, and more with church center
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Give to The Mission Church
Giving is a part of our worship to God. If you consider The Mission Church to be your church home, we hope that giving to it plays a part in your overall giving equation. The percentage or amount you decide to give to our church is between you and God.