Mission Youth is for 6th-12th graders and meets during our 11:00am service

At The Mission, we believe in building strong Christian leaders and creating a community where faith and friendship can grow. Our Mission Youth Program is more than just a place to gather; it's a place to grow, learn, and embrace the joy of walking in faith.


We're here to guide and support you in your spiritual journey. Through engaging discussions, Bible studies, and mentorship, we help you strengthen your relationship with God and become a true disciple of Christ.


Who said faith couldn't be fun? We believe in the power of laughter and shared experiences. Our teens participate in real community throughout the year, both at church and outside the walls of The Mission.


Mission Youth meets during our 11am service each week except for the first Sunday each month. Our teens serve in various areas of our church and are valued members of our ministry teams. We believe serving is key to building relationships as well as learning what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

powerful curriculum

In 2023 we began using HYFI, an all-new curriculum (created by LifeWay). The Student version of HYFI is geared toward 6th to 12th graders, helping them focus on their identity in Christ and equipping them to reject the lies that the world is throwing their way in their critical middle school and high school years. For more info about HYFI click HERE.